Is Marijuana A Sin?

Given the recent legalization of marijuana use in many North-American cities, this question has never been more prevalent. Most have grown up in church cultures where the very idea of using marijuana is disdainful. Others have grown in more liberal settings, and have argued that marijuana use is not specifically mentioned in the Bible; so therefore it must not be wrong. As we look at what is actually said in the Bible, we must set aside our preconceived notions and look objectively at what is right and wrong in God’s eyes.

Proverbs 31:4-7

Although this scripture is speaking specifically about the impairment caused by alcohol, the same principles apply with any mind-altering substance. Over-use can result in poor decision making, and can damage our memories/brains. On the other hand, alcohol use was encouraged for those who “are perishing” or “are in anguish”. Most conservative Christians do not have a problem with the idea of giving morphine to someone who is suffering in the final moments of death, or an epidural for women who are in labor. Interestingly, both substances are more powerful than marijuana. So what is right and what is wrong?

Drug use is not wrong. After all, Paul even told Timothy to take a “little wine” for his stomach ailment. (I Timothy 5:23) There is no biblical difference between alcohol and marijuana. The same biblical principles can be applied to both. However, in using alcohol as an example, we also find that there is an abusive way to use drugs. You could over-use, or use drugs recreationally. This is considered drug abuse, and it is absolutely a sin. This can be applied to all kinds of things. Even using Tylenol recreationally, or over-using it, is as sinful as doing the same with marijuana. Over-using alcohol is drunkenness, which is mentioned in the Bible as sin. (Galatians 5:19-21)

What is the right way to use drugs? God created drugs, or medicine, to heal specific ailments. When diagnosed with these ailments, drug use can be quite helpful for Christians. Even the righteous Hezekiah had a poultice of figs applied to his deadly boil for healing. (Isaiah 38:21) These ailments must be legitimate, as well as should be the prescribed medicine. Additionally, use of any drug must be legal. Paul made it quite clear that we are to obey the authorities that God has placed above us so long as they do not contradict the authority of God. (Romans 13:1-2)

So is it okay to use marijuana if prescribed by a legitimate doctor for a legitimate ailment? Yes, as long as you use it responsibly and do not abuse it. Ideally, this usage should be done in private and in a manner so as not to cause other Christians to struggle. (I Corinthians 10:23-24) However, drugs should be a last resort. Remember, even Jesus did not drink the gall that was offered to Him as He made His way to His own crucifixion. (Matthew 27:34) He sought strength from God before the comfort of medicine. Let’s do the same.

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